{{:introbiopacificmip_no_background_alternative.png?400|}} ====== BioPACIFIC MIP Laboratories ====== [[start|Home]] [[About the Laboratories]] [[Access and Training (UCSB)]] [[Access and Training (UCLA)]] ==== Additive Manufacturing ==== [[bio_x_printer|BIO X]] [[Carbon 3D Printer ]] [[lumen_x |Lumen X]] [[Mono3Z2 DLP 3D Printer (visible light)]] [[mono1_printer|Mono1 Printer]] [[mono3_printer|Mono3 Printer]] [[small_printer|SMaLL Printer]] [[AMP LED UV-Cube II]] [[Yamamoto Constant Temperature Oven DKN602C | Yamamoto Constant Temperature Oven]] ==== Digital Ecosystem User Portal ==== [[portal-intro|Introduction]] [[portal-technology|Technology List]] ==== Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) ==== [[eln-intro|Introduction]] [[eln-guide-basic-editor|ELN Basics: The Editor]] [[eln-guide-basic-shortcuts|ELN Basics: Editor Shortcuts]] [[eln-guide-basic-page-annotations|ELN Basics: Page Annotations]] [[eln-guide-basic-file-attachments|ELN Basics: Attaching Files]] [[eln-guide-basic-sharing-snapshots|ELN Basics: Sharing Pages via Snapshots]] [[eln-technology|Technology List]] ==== Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) ==== [[lims-intro|Introduction]] [[lims-data-structures|Data Structures]] [[lims-guide-data-viewer|LIMS as a Data Viewer]] [[lims-technology|Technology List]] ==== Living BioFoundry ==== [[lbf-intro|Introduction]] [[lbf-fluent|Fluent Liquid Handler]] [[lbf-LAS|ThermoFisher Laboratory Automation System]] [[lbf-tsqaltis|ThermoFisher TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer coupled with an Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph (UPHLC/MS/MS)]] [[lbf-btx|Fisher Scientific BTX Gemini X2 Electroporation System]] ==== Synthesis and Automation Laboratory==== [[Biotage V-10 Touch Evaporation System]] [[Biotage Selekt with Evaporative Light-Scattering Detector (ELSD)]] [[Chemspeed Automated Chemistry Platform]] [[Genevac EZ2 4.0 Benchtop Evaporator]] [[Labconco Lyophilzer]] [[LED Plate]] [[Prelude X]] [[Shimadzu Nexera Analytical HPLC]] [[Shimadzu Nexera Preparative HPLC]] [[Symphony X]] [[Texture Analyzer]] [[Vapourtec Flow Chemistry System]] [[Vacuum Ovens]] ==== MicroED ==== [[microed-intro|Introduction]] [[microed-sample|Sample Preparation]] [[microed-shipping|Shipping]] ==== Microrheology ==== [[Inverted Microscope|Zeiss Axio Observer 7]] ==== High-Throughput Microindenter ==== [[Optics11 Pavone |Microindenter]] ==== SAXS/WAXS ==== [[saxs-intro|Introduction]]