Table of Contents

Xytronic LF-853D soldering station

Xytronic LF-853D soldering station
Tool Type: “soldering iron / rework station ”
Location: “Innovations Workshop”
Supervisor Tool Lead
David Bothman “WW Name”
(805) 893-4125 (###) ###-#### “WW Email”
Description: “Soldering iron and hot air station”
Manufacturer: “Xytronic”


This tool is used to melt solder with its soldering iron or hot air station. This multi function rework station has a max heat output of 900W and can be used for hot air, soldering, and desoldering.

Detailed Specifications

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Safety Concerns

This tool generates heat! Do not set directly on bench, do not leave tool operating without supervision.

Operating Procedures

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Reference Documentation


Training Documentation

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