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keyence_sop [2020/11/03 19:14] – created furstkeyence_sop [2021/04/27 17:41] (current) furst
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 ----- -----
 ====Overview:==== ====Overview:====
   * This training provides an introduction to using and operating the Keyence microscope including:   * This training provides an introduction to using and operating the Keyence microscope including:
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       * Measure       * Measure
       * Depth up       * Depth up
-      * +      * Image quality 
 +      * Optimize 
 +      * Stitching
     * Safety     * Safety
-      PPE for working with resin +    General microscope use 
-      * Understanding transportation of uncured resin  +    * Maintenance  
-    * Printer Use +
-    * Post Processing +
-      * Form Wash  +
-      * Form Cure +
-    * Printer Maintenance +
-      * Switching Resin +
-      * Cleaning Build Tanks +
-      * Troubleshooting  +
-  * The Form 2 is a 3D printer that uses SLA (stereolithography) to make a part. In SLA, a laser beam is directed into a tank of photoreactive resin, which hardens to form a layer of the part. The first layer adheres to the build platform, and each following layer adheres to the previous one. The finished part will be suspended upside-down above the resin tank. It has a build volume of 145 × 145 × 175 mm (5.7 × 5.7 × 6.9 in). +
-  * The Form Wash is an automated washer that bathes the printed part in IPA (isopropyl alcohol) to wash off residual resin. +
-  * The Form Cure is a chamber that exposes a printed part to UV light to finish the curing process. This is referred to as ‘post-curing.’ +
-  * Remember to enter job information into the 3D print job log!+
 ====Safety==== ====Safety====
-{{:tools:form2:labcoat.png?75|}}{{:tools:form2:rubergloves.png?75|}}{{:tools:form2:safetyglasses.png?75|}} +  Do not leave lighting elements on  
-  Nitrile or neoprene gloves (not latex), safety glasses, and a lab coat must be worn when working with liquid resin printers. Safety glasses and a lab coat are required for working around IPA (isopropyl alcohol) when the Form Wash is open. +  * Do not crash the objectives 
-  * Avoid eye contact with laser. Do not remove the front or back panels of the printer. +  * If replacing the bulb in the MI-150 wear gloves to avoid getting oil on the halogen lamp bulb
-  * Care must be taken to prevent contaminating other areas with liquid resin use containers to transport build platforms or parts that still have liquid resin on them. +
-  * Dispose of resin contaminated gloves and other objects in the yellow hazardous waste bin in 2442.+
-====Job Setup==== +=====Microscope Setup===== 
-**On The Computer:** \\ +====At the microscope:====  
-  * On the desktop computer near the Form 2 printers, open the PreForm software from the start menu. +  - **Changing objectives** 
-{{:tools:form2:logo.png?75|}} +    - Press the button on the top of the objective (right above the Y axis of rotation screw) \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:camera_release.jpg?400|}} 
-  * To start a new print, click File > New +    - Twist the camera body counterclockwise and carefully lift directly offSet carefully on its side to avoid damaging the lenses in the camera assembly 
-  * File > Open, select the .STL or .OBJ file you want to print.  +    - Loosen the large plastic wingnut screw located above the axis of rotation adjustment on the objective(DO NOT ADJUST AXIS OF ROTATION SCREWS) 
-  * Set the scale, orientation, supports, and layout.  +    - Lift the objective straight up off the mounting post on the microscope body and place carefully in drawer located under Keyence computer
-    *Formlabs recommends orienting flat surfaces at an incline of at least 20°+    - Remove the desired objective and lower over the mounting post on microscope body
-    *Avoid printing tall, thin features when using flexible resin as it tends to flex during printing, resulting in print failure +    - Gently snug up the wing nut screw to clamp on the flat of the mounting post 
-    *While PreForm may indicate that a part is printable, it is not an indication the print will be successful. Care must be taken to ensure the part is supported properly and that the material choice is suitable. +    - Gently lower the camera assembly onto the top of the objective  
-  * If there is an 𝚇 next to printabilityadd manual supports, change support density and touchpoint size as needed until it becomes ✓. +    - Once lined uprotate camera assembly clockwise until a sharp click is heard 
-  * Save the print job in your group folder. +    - Make sure zoom knob is locked into a set zoom level detent 
-  * Record the material used and print time in the online log along with the other job information requestedThe print log should be on the desktop or [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScS3URUxoHOR62PdQeeSTAYg_suV061UsoFafrgoN0qn6DWYg/viewform.|Print Log]] +    - Follow steps to initialize the XY stage 
-  * To start the upload, press the orange ‘Print’ button. +  **Tilting the head** 
-   Make sure the selected material and version match the resin type loaded in the desired printerChoose a layer thickness—thicker layers correspond to a faster print but reduce vertical resolution.\\ +    - The microscope head is able to tilt up to 90 degrees clockwise in order to better image samplesCaution should be taken to avoid crashing the objective into the sample or stage when head is tilted\\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:lockout.png?400|}} 
-{{:tools:form2:diagram.png?600|}} +      - Loosen the tilt lock knob a turn or two max (until the knob loosens) 
-**On the Printer: ** \\ +      - With a HAND ON THE MICROSCOPE HEAD rotate the locking lever counter clockwise to its vertical position 
-  * Press the button on the Form 2 to confirm the print +      - Tilt the head to its desired angle using the graduations on the microscope body 
-  * After the print is completed, slide out the build platform with the part attached and place it into a plastic bin with absorbent pad to catch any resin spill+      - Lock the head in its tilted position using the large tilt lock knob. Make sure knob is snug before letting go of the head but do not overtighten 
-  * Close the orange cover+      - If desired angle is greater then 60 degrees, pull the locking pin out away from the microscope before retightening the tilt lock knobThis should allow the microscope head to tilt up to 90 degreesBe incredibly careful as the stage and objective will become very close at angles above 60 degrees. 
 +  - **Changing lighting elements** \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:attatchments.png?400|}} 
 +    - Switching to fiberoptic Epi-illumination for 100-1000x objective 
 +      - With the 100-1000x objective installed turn on the MI-150 fiberoptic lamp 
 +      - Install the end of the fiber into the lighting element of the objective. Light intensity is now controlled using the MI-150 instead of the microscope 
 +    - Switching the stage glass for backlighting 
 +      - Some clear or translucent samples may benefit from backlighting during imagery 
 +        - Remove the black and white disk in the center of the stage being careful not to bump the objective 
 +        - In the drawer containing the objectives there is also a class disk which can be placed in the stage center.  
 +  - **Moving/positioning the stage** 
 +    - X,Y movement 
 +      - X and Y positioning of the sample can be done using the joystick on the console \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:control_surface.jpg?400|}} 
 +      - Double clicking a location on the sample on the Keyence screen will center that part of the sample  
 +    - Z movement  
 +      - Unless the sample being imaged is physically large enough to necessitate moving the stage down it should be kept raised in its highest position with focusing being taken care of by raising and lowering the objective. 
 +      - To move the stage in Z, the silver locking ring with knurling must be rotated counterclockwise at most a rotation or two (until the adjacent knob on the left side of the microscope can rotateSome tension from the locking ring is needed to keep the stage from lowering itself) 
 +      - The knob on the left side of the microscope body can then be used to raise or lower the stage 
 +      - Once the stage has been positioned, gently snug up the silver locking ring on the right side of the microscope to lock the position in place. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN
-====Using the Form Wash:==== +   
-  * Transport the part and build platform in the container to Fume Hood #4 in Elings 2442. +====At the Computer: ==== 
-  * Wear a lab coat and safety goggles, as the Form Wash contains IPA. +  **Initialize the XY stage** 
-  *  Press ‘Open’ +    - The XY stage needs to be initialized every time a objective is switched or the microscope is power cycled 
-  Slide the build platform into place +    - The microscope should prompt the user after objective is switched but can be done manually through "settings" -> "initialize XY Stage" 
-  * Adjust the wash time to 10 minutesFor times for resins other than flexible and clearconsult the webpage “Form Wash Time Settings” through the Formlabs website+    - Be sure the objective is locked in a zoom detent and the XY stage is raised and locked to its highest position 
-  * Press ‘Start’ +    - Be sure the black side of the XY stage disk is facing up and is fully in place 
-  * After the washing is over, press ‘Open’ and remove the build platformPlace it in the container+    - click "initialize XY Stage" and the microscope will initialize automatically by homing the stage 
-  * Press ‘Sleep’ to close the Form Wash +  **Software lighting and Image Quality** 
-  * Allow 30 minutes to pass for the remaining IPA on the part to evaporate+    - Within Software lighting two tabs are available: 
 +      - Brightness \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:lighting.png?400|}} 
 +        - Adjust shutter speed and camera settings (set to auto) 
 +      - Lighting \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:other_lighting.png?400|}} 
 +        - Epi-illumination 
 +          - Adjust/turn on internal objective illumination (press "light" on console to toggle) 
 +        - Transmitted illumination 
 +          - Adjust/turn on sample backlighting (requires the use of glass stage ring) 
 +      - When 100-1000x objective is installed Epi-illumination is handled by the fiberoptic MI-150 located next to the microscope 
 +    - Increased contrast can be achieved by turning on HDR under the Image Quality tab  
 +  **Depth up**  
 +    - The Keyence microscope is capable of taking hundreds of images as it raises the objective to capture an image larger depth of fieldThis is useful for observing objects that do not lie on a flat plane and would normally not be completely in focus. This image also contains depth mapping data which can be used to not only take XY and Z measurementsbut also create a 3D mesh file of the scanned object
 +      - Select "depth up" from the right hand side bar then "quick composition and 3D" 
 +      - Focus the microscope slightly below the lowest point on the object \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:focuso_on_bottom.jpg?400|}} 
 +      - Click "3D Display" on the Keyence control pad and the microscope will scan up the object and create a 3D file which can be analyzed for depth\\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:large_depth_of_field.jpg?400|}}{{:tools:keyencemicroscope:depth.png?400|}} 
 +  **Measure** 
 +    - Measurements can be taken by selecting the "Measure" tab to measure the current view of the microscope or after a Depth up scan by selecting the "measure" tab after scan is complete 
 +      - Select the desired tool and desired points to measure from on the sample. The microscope will automatically display the length of lines or radius of arcs/circles drawn \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:measuring.png?400|}}
-**Using the Form Cure:**\\ +  - **Stitching** 
-  * Release the part from the build platform: +    - Center surround stitching \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:stitch.png?400|}} 
-      * Place build platform on the removal jig. Tools are in the Fume Hood #4 in Elings 2442. +      - Center the sample in the frame and select "stitching" from the sidebar  
-      * Slide a removal tool under the angled edge of the part’s base to separate it from the build platform+      - select "stitch around the current position" 
-  * Lift the cover of the Form CurePlace the part in the center of the turntable. +      - click "Start stitching" and press enter to stop the stitching whenever the image collected reaches the desired size
-  * Select the curing time and temperature. Curing settings are dependent on which resin is used. +    - Stitch after specifying the area \\ {{:tools:keyencemicroscope:stitch_set_bounds.png?400|}} 
-  * Refer to the webpage “Form Cure Time and Temperature Settings” through the Formlabs website for resin specific information. A longer cure time (up to an hour) will slightly increase the tensile strength of the part. +      - Click select range 
-  * Press ‘Start’ +      - Position the microscope as the minimum x position and select left, then maximum x position and select right 
-  * Lift the cover and remove the part once the post-curing has completed.+      - Position the microscope as the minimum y position and select top, then maximum y position and select bottom 
 +      - Select start stitching and the microscope will automatically stitch together an image from the bounds set
-**Post Processing:*+   
-  * Use snips or tweezers to break support material off of the part. Be careful when finishing delicate parts to avoid breaking off small features. +====Post Imaging==== 
-  * Use abrasives such as sandpaper and files to remove marks left by touchpoints until the surface is satisfactory.+  If using another objective, please replace the 20-200x objective and initialize the microscope before leaving 
 +  * Be sure to turn off the microscope light as well as the fiberoptic MI-150 when imaging is finished 
 +  * If different light diffusers or polarizers are used during imaging please replace the original glass before leaving
-**Replacing an empty resin cartridge with a full one of the same type:**\\ 
-More information on the resin system and changing a cartridge can be found on the webpage 
-“Formlabs Resin Tank Information” through the Formlabs website. 
-  - Remove the empty resin cartridge: 
-    - Close the vent cap at the top right of the resin cartridge to prevent resin from spilling out once removed 
-    - Hold the cartridge handle and lift to remove from the Form 2. Store the cartridge upright with the valve cover installed to protect storage surfaces from resin. 
-  - Insert a new resin cartridge: 
-    - Shake and rotate the new resin cartridge to ensure that the resin is mixed thoroughly. 
-    - Align the cartridge with the opening at the back of the printer. Push down on the cartridge handle until the top of the cartridge is level with the printer. 
-    - Press open the vent cap to ensure the resin tank can fill correctly 
-====Switching a printer from one type of resin to another==== +  
-More information on the resin system and changing a cartridge can be found on the webpage +
-“Formlabs Resin Tank Information” through the Formlabs website. This includes videos and +
-animations. +
-  - Remove the build platform - this prevents resin from dripping onto the glass +
-  - Remove resin cartridge: +
-    - Close the vent cap at the top right of the resin cartridge to prevent resin from spilling out once removed. +
-    - Hold the cartridge handle and lift to remove from the Form 2. Store the cartridge upright with the valve cover installed to protect storage surfaces from resin. +
-  - Remove the resin tank +
-    - Hold the front tabs of the resin tank +
-    - Gently pull the front tabs of the resin tank to release the tank feet from the tank carrier. The Resin Tank LT wiper ejects during removal. +
-  - Cover the resin tank and store on the left side of the fume hood +
-  - Insert the resin tank for the resin that you plan to use +
-    -  Lift the Form 2 orange cover. Use the tank grips to hold the Resin Tank LT, with the wiper resting inside the tank. If the tank contains resin, cover the tank with the plastic lid to align the wiper and minimize the risk of spills during insertion. +
-    - Align and insert the four small feet of the resin tank into the corresponding slots in the tank carrier on the printer. +
-    - Hold the front tabs and carefully push the tank until the tank feet lock into the slots on the tank carrier. Check the touchscreen display to confirm that the Form 2 detects the tank. The Form 2 will only detect the tank when the tank is fully inserted. +
-  - Lock the wiper blade +
-    - Align and insert the wiper foot into the wiper mount. +
-    - Push the wiper toward the tank. +
-    - Ensure the wiper foot is securely locked into the wiper mount. +
-  - Insert resin cartridge: +
-    - Shake and rotate the new resin cartridge to ensure that the resin is mixed thoroughly. +
-    - Remove the protective valve cover from the underside of the cartridge. Use the cover to protect the bite valve during storage. +
-    - Align the cartridge with the opening at the back of the printer. Push down on the cartridge handle until the top of the cartridge is level with the printer. +
-    - Press open the vent cap to ensure the resin tank can fill correctly. +
-  - Replace build platform +
-  - Make sure that all of the resin tanks are correctly labeled. +
- +
-====Maintenance==== +
-  * Cleaning resin tank interior +
-    * Use the scraper from the finish kit to inspect the resin and the elastic layer. Starting from the top corner, gently scrape from top to bottom across the elastic layer. +
-    * Check for the following issues that may lead to print failures or any excessive wear that requires replacing the tank: +
-      * cured resin on the elastic layer +
-      * debris or failed prints in the resin +
-      * settled pigment on the elastic layer +
-      * punctures, cuts, or gouges in the elastic layer +
-      * excessive “clouding” or wear in the elastic layer +
-  * Filtering Resin  +
-    *  Use a filter to remove any debris or small bits of cured resin floating in the tank. Clean, debris-free resin helps avoid print failures, which may damage the tank. +
-  * Cleaning the tank window +
-    * Never use IPA on the acrylic tank window (it will cause cracks). +
-    * If dust, fingerprints, and/or contamination are present, clean the clear acrylic tank window with NOVUS No. 1 and a clean microfiber cloth. The clear acrylic tank window is located on the underside of the resin tank. Apply 1-2 full sprays of NOVUS No. 1, and wipe using long, sweeping strokes top to bottom and across the tank window. Fold the microfiber cloth after each swipe to prevent dust and debris from scratching the acrylic.+
 ----- -----
-====Form 2 Quick Review====+====Keyence microscope Quick Review====
 Tool Lead:    \\ Tool Lead:    \\
 Contact: andrewfurst@ucsb.edu      \\ Contact: andrewfurst@ucsb.edu      \\
-====Safety Concern====  + 
-  * Lab coat and gloves must me used when handling resin  +====Safety==== 
-  * Anything with uncured resin must be transported within a container to avoid spilling +  * Do not leave lighting elements on  
 +  * Do not crash the objectives 
 +  * If replacing the bulb in the MI-150 wear gloves to avoid getting oil on the halogen lamp bulb
 ====Safe Operation Procedures Review==== ====Safe Operation Procedures Review====
-  - Check resin cartridge and tank, make sure build material matches and is desired material. 
-  - If resin is not desired material, disconnect wiper at build tank, remove build plate by sliding towards front of fume hood. Remove cartridge, cap valve on bottom and close valve on top of cartridge. Replace build tank, wiper, and cartridge with desired material.  
-  - Launch Preform on Ultimaker computer 
-  - Import desired STL 
-  - Select "one click print" in the top left corner menu, change position, orientation, resolution and support as desired (note: that Preform will report on print ability of model, changing part rotation can affect print ability. 
-  - Select print (orange button) from top left menu 
-  - Select desired printer 
-  - Press button on Formlabs printer to start print  
-====Post Processing==== 
-  - Excess resin should be removed from the build tray and part with IPA over a waste container.  
-  - Place build tray and part in the Form Wash for 20 to 30 minuets (part can be placed individually within basket if necessary 
-  - Allow 30 minuets for IPA to evaporate before placing part in Form Cure 
-  - Set Form Cure time and temperature based on resin type, place part within form cure, wait for time to elapse 
-====Maintenance==== +  
-  * Switching resin types + 
-    * Close breather valve on resin cartridge + 
-    * Remove the resin cartridge by pulling straight up on the handle behind the form labs printers  +  
-    * Cap the cartridge valve using the included orange tap and cap +
-    * Remove the wiper by pulling straight out towards the front of the fume hood.  +
-    * Pull the resin tray out of the printer by pulling firmly straight out toward you +
-    * Lift the wiper and resin tray out simultaneously, and carefully place on resin shelf within fume hood. +
-    * Cover resin tray with black plastic cover and label +
-    * Replace resin tray with clean or desired resin tank. Push tank and wiper firmly back toward the Form 2 until it clicks into place  +
-    * Replace resin cartridge and open valve+
keyence_sop.1604430871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/03 19:14 by furst