====== Analytical/Preparative Hybrid HPLC ====== ^ Shimadzu Nexera HPLC ^ | {{:shimadzunexerahplc.png?400|}} | | **Tool Type:** Analytical/Preparative HPLC | | **Location:** Elings Hall 2411 | | **Supervisor** | **Tool Lead** | | Morgan Bates | Zachary Nett | | morganbates@ucsb.edu | zjnett@ucsb.edu | | **Description:** Analytical/Preparative Hybrid HPLC | | **Manufacturer:** Shimadzu Nexera | ---- ===== About ===== The Shimadzu Nexera Hybrid HPLC system at BioPACIFIC MIP is a unique instrument designed with dual analytical and preparative ow paths. This design allows for the automated and easy interchange between an analytical tool for method development and fraction purity re- analysis and a preparative HPLC for fraction collection. This HPLC system also improves upon the typically UV-based fractionation process of prep chromatography by inclusion of an inline single quadrupole MS detector (LCMS-2020). Direct on-line mass spectrometry can help ensure only fractions containing the target compound are collected and potentially eliminate the need for subsequent offline MS analysis. ---- ===== Detailed Specifications ===== **Force Capacity:** 50 kg.f (500N)\\ **Force Resolution:** 0.1 g\\ **Load cells:** 0.5, 5, 30, 50 kg.f \\ **Speed Range:** 0.01 – 40 mm/s\\ **Maximum Aperture:** 370 mm/590mm\\ **Distance Resolution:** 0.001 mm\\ **Data Acquisition Rate:** 2000 pps\\ ---- ===== Safety Concerns ===== Avoid sudden changes in pressure and temperature Avoid any mechanical shock Properly dispose of solvents ---- ===== Reference Documentation ===== {{ ::hplcmanualshimadzunexera.pdf |}} -----