====== BioPACIFIC MIP ====== BioPACIFIC MIP, located jointly at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), is a platform dedicated to scalable production of bio-derived building blocks and polymers from yeast, fungi and bacteria. In these facilities, automated high-throughput synthesis and characterization of bio-derived polymers aim to accelerate discovery and speed up the development of new high-performance materials. \\ \\ The Synthetic Chemistry, Additive Manufacturing, Microrheology and X-Ray facilities are located in Elings Hall at UCSB (CNSI Building). \\ \\ The Living BioFoundry and MicroED facilities are located at UCLA (CNSI Building). \\ \\ This Wiki provides information about becoming a workshop user, safety guidelines, reference and training materials for workshop tools, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), chemical safety references, and other useful reference materials for working productively in the CNSI Workshops.