Table of Contents

SMaLL Printer

SMaLL Printer

Tool Type: “3D Printer”
Location: “Elings Hall 2436”
Supervisor Tool Lead
Juan Manuel Urueña “WW Name” “WW Email”
Description: “Solution Mask Liquid Lithography (SMaLL)“
Manufacturer: “In-House”


SMaLL is capable of creating unique structures with mechanically and chemically distinct regions. By using tunable, visible wavelength photoswitches, in combination with orthogonal crosslinking reactions, a single resin formulation can be employed for the facile, one-step printing of complex, bioinspired structures. The fabrication of soft joints and brick-and-motar architectures showcase the utility of SMaLL for printing all-polymer composites with well-defined regions for different mechanical and chemical properties.

Detailed Specifications

Safety Concerns

Read the manufactures manual before first use. If the BIO X Cellink acts in a way that is not described by the manual, turn off the printer and contact CELLINK.

Operating Procedures

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Reference Documentation


Training Documentation
