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Access to UCSB Laboratories

1. Provide your project participant information (If you have already submitted your information, please skip this step).

  • For personnel that are being added after a project has been approved or started, use this link to provide your participant information.

2. UCSB NetID Registration (This step is not required for UCSB-based researchers).

  • Visiting Researchers: Email Eleni Papananou (hellen@ucsb.edu) to request an Annex Locator. Provide your university or professional email, full name, and date of birth.
  • Once you receive the Annex Locator, activate your UCSB netID using the UCSB Identity Manager as a University Affiliate.

3. Activate the Lab Hazard Assessment Program (Local UCSB researchers already added to another lab hazard assessment may skip this step).

  • Log in to Assessment using your UCSB netID and log out.

4. Complete the UC Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Course (UC-affiliated researchers can login to their own campus’ UC Learning Center to provide a copy of the class certificate.).

  • Take the course online via the UCSB Learning Center and save the completion certificate.
  • Email the certificate to Debbie Kleinpeter (BP-admin@cnsi.ucsb.edu).

5. Submit the Chemical Hygiene Plan Attestation Form

6. X-ray Users Only

  • Complete the online Radiation Safety Training course titled “Radiation Producing Machines” via the UCSB Learning Center.
  • Submit the completion certificate to Youli@mrl.ucsb.edu.

7. Symphony-X Users Only

8. Schedule Instrument Training

  • Once the above steps are completed, email the relevant project scientist to schedule your instrument training.
  • Include your UCSB netID, PI name, department, university affiliation, BioPACIFIC MIP proposal ID/project code, or recharge account number.

9. Acknowledge Your Addition to the Lab

  • The project scientist will add you to the laboratory hazard assessment roster using your UCSB netID.
  • Log in to Assessment and acknowledge the hazard safety assignment for the corresponding laboratory (Elings 2411 and 2436 for Synthesis and Additive Manufacturing or Elings 2419 for X-ray)

An example action item assignment in Assessment is shown below:

10. PPE Safety Training and Pick-Up

  • Complete the PPE Safety Training Course.
  • Schedule a PPE pick-up appointment via Google Calendar. Please provide required details: non-flammable lab coat, BioPACIFIC MIP as PI, preferred gender, and coat size.
  • Pick up your PPE from Chemistry Building loading dock, storeroom #1432.

11. Lab Walkthrough

  • Complete a laboratory safety walk-through with Zach Nett (zjnett@ucsb.edu) before gaining keycard access or unrestricted reservation access to equipment.
  • Download the Training Needs Assessment Form and bring it to your session.

12. Keycard Access

  • Visiting Researchers: Email the User Coordinator (hellen@ucsb.edu) to obtain a keycard for lab access. Return it on your last day at UCSB.
  • UCSB Researchers: Apply for CNSI card access or update your existing card using the CNSI online form (accessible via campus Wi-Fi or VPN).

13. Equipment Reservations

  • Following training, reserve equipment online using FBS with your UCSB netID.
  • If using the equipment via an active proposal, ask a staff scientist to set up an internal BioPACIFIC MIP lab account for tracking usage.

14. Shipping Address

  • For shipping reagents, samples, or supplies to BioPACIFIC MIP, please use the address below and include the name of the staff member you are working with in the attention line:

Attn: [Staff Name]/BioPACIFIC
California Nanosystems Institute
Elings Hall Room 3448
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

access_and_training_ucsb.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/16 19:52 by mbates