A National User Facility Dedicated to Biomaterials

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Frequently asked Questions

How are samples and parts exchanged?

  • During COVID stage two operation samples, parts for customers, and any exchange of material between users of other labs and users of Elings Hall should be done through the sample drop box. Located behind Elings hall by the bike rack, the drop box contains many smaller bins within; the Innovations and mFL lab specific bin is located in the front left corner of the sample drop box. Be sure anything placed within the drop box is labeled with both the drop off user's name, as well as the name of the lab receiving the sample. The sample drop box is locked with a padlock, please contact bothman@engineering.ucsb.edu for the combination if you plan on using the drop box.
faq.1605806830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 17:27 by furst