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Precision Matthews Milling Machine

Precision Matthews Milling Machine
Tool Type: “Vertical Milling Machine”
Location: “Innovations Workshop”
Supervisor Tool Lead
David Bothman “WW Name”
(805) 893-4125 (###) ###-####
bothman@cnsi.ucsb.edu “WW Email”
Description: “Milling Machine”
Manufacturer: “Matthews”


This tool is a bench top milling machine capable of manually machining small parts out of metals, woods, and plastic. Lacking the rigidity of most milling machines, this machine falls somewhere between the Haas CNC mill and the ShopBot desktop router.

Detailed Specifications

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Safety Concerns

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Operating Procedures

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Reference Documentation

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Training Documentation

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mill.1594325526.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/09 20:12 by furst