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Ultimaker 3 Extended

Tool Lead: Andrew Furst
Contact: Andrewfurst@ucsb.edu

Safety Concerns

  • Both print heads and bed are heated during operation. Do not attempt to clean, remove, or adjust without allowing for adequate cool down time.
  • Keep hands clear of printer during operation. Pause print before clearing or adjusting print.

Safe Operating Procedures Review

  1. Launch Cura version 4 (blue icon)
  2. From connected printers, select IW-Ultimaker3
  3. Select File → Open Files → Open desired project (.STL file type)
  4. Using task bar on the left hand side, position model as desired
  5. From print settings, select slice height, infill percentage, and support
  6. Support can be generated using ether nozzle, typically nozzle one holds build material with nozzle two printing with dissolvable support material.
  7. Setting can be fined tuned using the “Custom” option from print settings
  8. Within custom settings, nozzle and build plate temps can be adjusted (build plate temps should be based off of build material)
  9. Save the file from Cura on a thumb drive
  10. Connect thumb drive to printer → select desired file → select print

Note: Adjusting settings may lead to more (OR LESS) successful prints. Contact Workshop Wizard responsible for Ultimaker if print fails or knowledge of advanced settings is desired.

Post Processing

  • If support was constructed from ABS carefully break away with pliers
  • If support was constructed from PVA soak part in warm water for several hours to dissolve support structure


  • Bed should be cleaned with IPA between prints
  • Print heads and silicone head protector should be cleaned as needed
  • Filament should be dried before use if printer has been idle for several weeks
  • Bed leveling should be completed every time print cores are swapped
  • Print cores should be swapped after clog or to change print line width. Used print heads should be kept for spare parts


ultimaker_3_quick_review.1597775633.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/18 18:33 by furst