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Bandsaw Safe Operating Procedure

Rev. August 2020


The Rikon 14” bandsaw with StriaTech variable speed motor is located in 2448 Elings.

Safety Concerns

Serious injury and potential dismemberment can occur from contact with the moving saw blade. Eye injuries can result from flying chips or broken bits. Cuts can occur from contacting sharp tools or exposed chips and burrs. Burns can result from hot cutting tools or parts. Metal splinters can result from exposed burrs or chips. Serious injury can result from pinching or entanglement in moving parts. Poor housekeeping creates tripping and cutting hazards for other users. Do not leave machine running unattended.

Eye protection, closed toe shoes, long pants, and protective clothing must be worn when using this machine to prevent injury. Long hair must be tied back and jewelry must be removed before operating this machine to prevent entanglement.

bandsaw_sop.1597424352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/14 16:59 by furst