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Import Wizard

Uploading data to the BioPACIFIC MIP LIMS was, at one time, an overwhelming process. That changed with the revision released in December 2023. Now, data is uploaded to the LIMS through the Import Wizard (Fig 1) and relies on data retrieved from the BioPACIFIC MIP ELN.

Fig 1. Start screen for the Import Wizard.

The Import Wizard asks a series of questions about your data, including whether you have multiple files (note: some instruments require multiple file uploads, including the SAXS and microrheometer) and whether you previously uploaded experimental data for the given material or are using a well plate.

If you are using a well plate, you will either generate, or have previously generated, a QR code encoding a unique ID or serial number. If returning to the Wizard, you can scan this QR code and search for your plate, as shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2. Well plate serial number entry field and search results.

If you are not using a well plate, or need to generate one, you'll answer the Wizard accordingly and proceed with the next steps. These steps include: importing notebook pages (Fig 3), answering questions about polymers (e.g. ratios, only if present, optional) and reagents (e.g. vendor information, optional), creating a well plate and obtaining a QR code (Figs 4 and 5),

Fig 3. Import notebook page(s) to the LIMS.

Fig 4. Well Plate creation and material assignment.

Fig 5. Well Plate QR code.

lims-guide-import-wizard.1709664310.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/05 18:45 by csdunham