A National User Facility Dedicated to Biomaterials

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Innovations Workshop Resources

A (mostly) complete inventory of the Innovations Workshop can be found: here.

The lab is organized into six main storage sections labeled A through F, with A being the easternmost bench and F being the westernmost bench. Cabinets should be labeled and updated if changes occur.

Innovations Workshop Purchasable Inventory

A limited amount of raw material are available for purchase in the Innovations Lab. The pricing of any purchasable goods can be found in the Innovations Workshop Pricing Form and any purchases must be submitted through the Innovations Workshop Purchasing Form.

Vendors and Ordering Procedures

Raw material orders are usually handled through UCSB Gateway. Logging into Gateway with your Net ID brings up a page with all of the cataloged suppliers; if you find your specific supplier is not integrated into the site use the “Non-Catalog Item” checkout process. Any integrated suppliers will redirect to suppliers website where it is possible to check out as normal. After selecting check out, you will be redirected to Gateway where you can name and assign the cart to your specific manager/treasurer.

Innovations Workshop Resources

The Innovations Workshop does offer 3D printing and laser cutting as a service. Jobs can be submitted via this form ,and materials cost can be approximated by using the 3D printer rates page.

references_vendors_supplies.1725506569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/05 03:22 by eleni