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Dewalt Bench Grinder

Dewalt Bench Grinder
Tool Type: “Vertical Milling Machine”
Location: “Innovations Workshop”
Supervisor Tool Lead
David Bothman “WW Name”
(805) 893-4125 (###) ###-#### “WW Email”
Description: “Bench Grinder”
Manufacturer: “Dewalt”


Bench Grinders can be fitted with many different stones, ranging from course metal devouring wheels, to honing stones for sharpening drill bits. Bench grinders should NEVER be used with wood, plastic, aluminium, brass, or any non ferrous metal. When in use, bench grinders can heat up the part being ground incredibly quickly, periodically submerging the part in a bucket of water can help prevent overheating or burning of the part.

Detailed Specifications

  • 6“ x 3/4” grinding wheels
  • course, fine, and buffing pads available

Safety Concerns

Bench grinders should NEVER be used with wood, plastic, aluminium, brass, or any non ferrous metal. Soft materials such as these can quickly build up within the wheel, causing it to become less effective, generate more heat, and even explode. Thin parts can also easily be sucked between the guide and the stone, always make sure any part is properly supported by the guide, and the gap between the guide and the stone is as minimal as possible.

Reference Documentation

Training Documentation

grinder.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/08 17:03 by furst